Graceful貓貓均為貓舍自家繁殖· -為家長提供健康貓貓平台 -貓寳寳均有成長記錄及父母可見 -特設寵物用品及美容家長折扣 -新手指導、365貓生陪伴 -堅持良心經營.絕不售賣病寵。 Our promise: 14天健康保證(fip、fvp退款保障) 稱心24小時新手領航🐾 接種獸醫疫苗(1-3針)及體內體外杜蟲、杜虱 祝福家長❤貓生幸福~
寵物 / 寵物轉讓Graceful cattery

most of the car distributors' maintenance workshops are located. equipped with a full size spay/baking room which is utilized by many tuning companies within Hong Kong.

Provide the latest doggie product from Japan, U.S.A., Austria, such as Toys, Snacks, tools for dogs. Owner can enjoy the shopping hours at our Dogging Mall.
P寵物 / 會社、組織及團體PetWorld寵物樂園

omnidirectional all weather TV antenna for ships,Marine antenna,SSB Radiotelephone and related equipments,Satellite Ship Earth Communication terminal.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠快捷航海儀器有限公司

Our objectives are:to promote and protect the interests of Hong Kong garment manufacturers and merchants ;to research into all matters affecting the interests of the trade;
F商業 / 會社、組織及團體Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manfacturers

上學期放學似走難,又早放又cut左考試範圍乜都冇學過! 下學期連學都冇得番,上親zoom堂都有I.T. 問題! 係行山仲多過揸筆既情況下就要係一個月內考 Final Exam, 相信好多同學已經打定輸數! 有見及此,古sir 同佢既團隊會係六月份精心安排一系列既課程,為名校生係今次既 Final Exam 繼續大放異彩!
A教學進修 / 補習Actions Speak Louder than Words!

We are composed of well trained, professional and dedicated staff with many years experience in the field. Providing one-stop, tailor-made services to our valued customers give us a niche in the mark

Our aims were and are to promote better communication between professional groomer's,to encourage our members to improve their skills and to establish better public relations.
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體香港專業寵物美容師協會有限公司

We offer a full horsemanship program for beginning through advanced riders from age 6 through adult. Lessons, training, competitive programs, as well as a team of show quality school horses are here.

We are missioned to provide the most pleasant experience with perium products of market leaders and professional technicians in the heart of Central
N美容 / 美甲Nail Waxing

D'note chooses products from japan because they are more suited to the hair texture of asians.D'note also has a variety of products to suit the needs of different customers

Since we specialize and only concentrate in air duct cleaning, we are experts in our field.
M商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Microdust (HK) Ltd

We offer routine maintenace, car inspections, system diagnosis, painting, tyre change, audio upgrade and car recycling business

We believe, by providing high quality organic baby clothes, we can protect he future of the world that our children will inherit.

p商業 / 翻譯passiverika


we have already extended our service to Japan. Delegated staff are localized in Japan in order to contact the domestic customers and attain the hottest Japanese mobile information

嗨Fun臺灣 / 民宿花蓮民宿

🤷‍♀️ 成日心思思想做半永久紋眉, 連鎖店大品牌又驚被劏,兼且學徒同你做到高低眉! 一人工作室或者上門做,又驚唔係持牌經營,好冇保障! 🥇 選擇美容服務,除咗做得好之外,唔hard sell,持牌正規店舖,兼且大細單都用心做,都係好重要!🌹 🔥 韓式半永久紋繡技術可以keep住靚~妝容更持久!返工又好,見朋友又好,第一眼都已經另人覺得你好 Smart 好 Charm,運情都會有好轉!
美容 / 飄眉、霧眉Beauty365 香港觀塘 美甲Gel甲•飄霧眉•野生眉•脫毛《專門店》
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